Wednesday 1 August 2012

Success and failures in Life

Hi Everybody,

    One should not deter by the failures.Failures are those seeds of the plants in which success like fruits ripen.One should try to pick those fruits of success as quickly as possible.Success means diffrent to different people.To Osama Success would have meant destruction of white house or world trade centre in USA and to obama it would have meant the growth of  USA may be it protectionist measures and taking a stern stand on outsourcing business.To everyman success should be only the journey not the dstination.One success to another success should provide the last mile connectivity to the people.

Even great people in today's world have failed so many times.Thomas Alwa Edison failed many times while making the bulb but on one auspicious morning he has discovered the bulb.He has told that he has learnt so many ways not to make a bulb.Life mends its ways but we have to learn ways how to cope with the failures.Even Amitabh Bachan was rejected for All india Radio and now the whole world is listening to his voice.Even Chetan bhagat was rejected by many publishers and now whole world is reading his views.Abraham lincoln failed in elections and went on to become president of USA.Even Mahatama Gandhi failed in his non-copeartion movement but he went on to become the father of our nation.

 There is no age when one could think of sarting afresh in his/her life.Colonel sanders at the age of 64 when he had only 100$ in his pocket and remebered his mother's recipe and started KFC.The result is infront of you as it had branches in all over the country.You might have seen an old man picture in all KFC outlets.Rabindra nath tagore started schooling at the age of 18.Boman Irani started acting in bollywood at the age of 44.Federer won the wimbledon title at the age of 32.The time will come when you feel low,some loved one's will pass away,at the time of break ups,divorces or at times of any adversities in your life.Now here is the opportunity whether you cry or take the ball of opportunity to do the last mile connectivity.Success is not counted how many times you succeed but how many time the failures do not deter you and you come back strongly in your life.

You have to trust on something either your destiny,karma or guts to do anything.Every individual has innate desires to sparkle his own ways.It just needs that kindling temperature to sparkle the inner self.The inner self which you can only recognize and belive me when you have inner self cognizance going,no body can stop you to reach the pinnacle of success and glory.

Come on and sparkle your inner self to know what all you can do and give India that impetus to reap the demographic dividend and to give India that united strength to tackle all viscious circle of problems.

Jai Hind,Jai Bhaarat

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