Saturday 4 August 2012

Mental Aromatic capital:Way to march one step ahead

Like Social capital of society mental aromatic capital plays a very important role as far as an invidual is concerned.Mental magnificence together with cognizance constitute mental aromatic capital.
It tells and you in the following things:-

1.Societal cause and individual cause:-Always have societal cause in your mind which is greater than your individual cause.By putting the societal cause ahead of individual cause you achieve the bigger goals.You feel satisfied and happy with your ideas and your efficiency increases.A happy people is more energetic and enthusiastic than anybody else.

2.Think Big and Dream big:-A person should dare to dream big.This is possible only when you have some big aspirations.You are out of the crowd mentality and your mental level touches the zenith of the sky.

3.Try to work on your strengths and improve your weaknesses:-Always build your strengths and focus on your weaknesses.Always show your strength in your weaknesses and you feel motivated.

4.Surround Yourself people who motivate you:-Always surround yourself with the people who motivate you that brings positive enegy in yourself.Listen to the motivators.You might have seen people demotivating and you see their faces and your work gets hampered because of negative vibes in them.

5.Role Model in your mind:-Always have some role model in your mind so that you always compare with the ideal and you tend to improve on day to day basis.

6.Sparkle your innerself:-Meditate the mind and believe in yourself to sparkle the inner self.

7.Forget the things of the past and the things you don't have control:-Always live in the present and believe in the this worldly affairs.

8.Alaways compare with yourself ,evaluate yourself and talk to yourself:-Rather than comparing with others ,compare with yourself  and evaluate yourself on different parameters daily.Talk to youselves daily what you want to become.

9.Work Hard and Experience Harder:-Work ward and with experience learn from mistakes.Nothing can substitute hard work and experience.

10.Always have the enquiring mind and quizling mind:Once Rudyard kipling had replied after winning noble prize in literature that his 6 honest servants viz what,which ,how,when,where,why in writing skills made him to win nobel prize.So have that enquiring mind to keep ahead of both race and time.

11.March one step ahead:March one step ahead from others with the help of confident,winning and never dying spirit.This makes you different from loosers as they sit and hold themselves in case of failures.

The 11 steps formula of building you both mental aromatic capital as an individual and building on social capital as a part of society and you feel motivated and rejuvenated in your life.

Amit Kumar,
Your Motivator

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