Thursday 2 August 2012

Dreams:subconscious reality or soulless body emmotions???

Hi Everybody,

 All people grow by seeing dreams with an aimbition of converting their dreams into the reality.Great people nurture their dreams like the sunlight nurtures the earth and even in the backlash of failures they are able to convert their dampened dreams into the active water droplets  which again shines when the sunlight of their cognizance and hard works convert them into the reality.

There is silver lining of everything.For eating the dishes of dreams we have to loose something.We have to loose bad habits,short cuts,mental agonies,dilemmas etc and gain motivation,self confidence,attitude and aptitude to excel in every fields.We have to live in this worldly afairs and forget the past.As even mind suggests that present is the key to the past.We can unravel the mysteries of the past and can also will be the best adjudger of dreams which we see daily.Sikander has dreamt big to conquer the world and in this due process, he used to sleep only for 2-4 hours on the horse's back.The whole world recognises him as Alexander the Great as the Greatness lied in his dreaming.Hitler also dreamt big but it was somewhat more in negative direction when he mistakingly taken Russia easily and the war took longer time and he was defeated.Similarly Napolean dreamt big but he was also defeated by the Russian severe harsh winter.Nehru used to sleep only for approx 4 hours as he has dreamt of making india independent.Thus it is clear that Dreams take you to those hieghts where you can take big leaps,take risks and ultimately motivation in the form of nets appear when you fall from big heights.Dreams are the goden keys to success representing hopes and aspirations of people and a new vision to see through your own eyes.

Dreams are the subconscious reality.There are three kinds of minds conscious,subconscious,unconscious minds.Generaly we don't see dreams when we have the desires in unconscious minds.Only when we sleep the unconscious mind desires convert into the subconscious reality.When we see dreams like falling from the roof,ladder etc is acatually hinting that we are going to gain something.But on the contrary when we see winning lotteries, there might be some big losses.The explaination of the dreams is often a subjective phenomenon.Hindu Mythology which beleives in Karma,Dharma and punarjanama tells us that we see dreams when the soul leaves the body and migartes to somewhere else to give you the soulless emmotions and you try to meditate your minds and in this process unfulfilled desires are expressed in the form of dreams.These are the scientific cum mythological aspects of dreams and where science ends philosphy begins and we tend to accept some explainations of these dreams by reamaining in this frame of minds.

Dreams accomplishments is often associated with Five C's confidence,competence,Compassion which is more than sympathy,conviction,cognizance ,three D's i.e Determination,dedication and devotion,and four P's pataience,practice,presence of mind and preservence which ultimately reaps you three E's efficiency,effectiveness and economy of your aspirations and dreams.

Dare to Dream big,Take Gaint steps,take risks as automatically motivation in the form of nets will appear infront of you,emprace the fears and fight with them,leave the dogmas and have dogged determination towards accomplishing the desired goals then only motivation comes from you only and you are able to drive out your nightmares and convert your day dreaming abilities into accomplished desired dreams and finally fly high without any fears.

Amit Kumar,Your motivator

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