Saturday 25 August 2012

Relationships:A heavenly pleasure or a friendly discourse???

Hi Everybody,


Relationships is like remote sensing device by which you feel the emmotions of your beloved or anybody else without touching them.It is that artery which connects to your heartbeat and you feel the emmotions of it in every parts of the body.Emmotions are often put juxtapose to the relationships.It is that vibrating strength that connects you to biological clocks and your circadian rhythms are counted through it and the machanical clocks just count the moments passed by.You just want to capture the moments of your relationships in the photographic cameras of your eyes.Just as when powers of computers shut down,the USB supports it when primary relationships starts weakening the secondary relationships give that strength and vigour.The relationships vigour can be felt in every corners of the world.One Kin living in USA can eperience the tremors of its closest living in India like the storms,cyclones,tsunamis in sea will be experienced by the people of India and pakistan also.


No one will be happy when slapped by anyone,ditched by someone as friendly discourse even when he/she is attaining the greatest endeavours.Even the president of USA can be unhappy on the sad demise of his closest kin and he will not be able to take proper decisions if there are mental tensions at home with his wife.History tells that the greatest persons are those who have calm and soothing relationships at home.Mitchell obama provides the calmness to Barack obama and likewise chancellor of Germany Angela Markel provides sootheness to her husband.Sachin tendulkar has his calm wife Anjali,Mukesh Ambani had his sweet and loving wife in the form of Neeta Ambani,hence they are able to take calm and composed decisions both on the fields and off the fields.


As told by A.M. shah in families kinship relations are important but in the households residence is important.Though people live outside,they share diffrent households in cities due to migrations due to work or various other reasons but they are tied with the family bondage relationships.Families often play a very important role in countries like India.In countries like U.S.A and U.K. pets also play the role of relationships because they are often closely associated with them due to their nuclear families or neolocal residence aspects or due to existence of single parent families.They often describe their pets in the form of features like balck fur,blue eyed,short tails etc when they are lost, which people in countries like India describe when their closest relative are lost such as in kumbh fair. Pets give them heavenly pleasures in the western countries.In horroscope of western countries there is often description of second or third marriages as they are common in those countries.In western countries divorce is common but in India divorce decisons taken often by families and family welfare precedes individual welfare.In relationships we ought to give importance to likes and dislikes of the persons in relationships.At the time of death there is ceremonial weeping,At the time of births there is ceremonial gatherings.These all things happen to maintain the social order and stability in the relationships and in the society.

Like any other realtionships Live in realtionships,Gay,Lesbian relationships are also relationships.There are gay and lesbian parades at Brighton in UK.According to article 21 of India these relationships maintain the dignity of life and they should be also allowed privacy in their lives as long as the social order of the society is not disturbed.If the Human rights and dignity is to be respected as per UN conventions,these relationships are going to play an important role in futures.Even animals are living things and we do not see what's going to happen in the microorganisms whether they are unisexual or bisexual,they have their own way.isn't it drastic??GOD does not tell us what to do in the relationships but HE often preaches how to suatian the relationships.From womb to tomb there are relationships hance in India there are programmes from wombs to tombs for future sustainenance and securities of relations.Relationships do exist in the form of father,mother,sister etc.Anybody can't explain the joyhood of becoming father or those child caring by mother.Those little finger's,little eyes direction of a new born baby,only mother can understand that.Shahjahan built the Tajmahal for his beloved Mumtaj though it is built from marbles only.But only a lover can understand the deep insight of even single marble of the Taj.Romio and Juliet story of Italy has its own significance and how the pain of romio was experienced by juliet that only a deep lover can know.In china one lover has cut the stones out of mountains and built the house for necessary sustainance and the site got converted as heritage site of china and it will be immortal for lovers in the world.There are examples of love in each corners of the world.This shows the deepness of the innate desires of relationships.


Let's turn the whole world into a realationships of global village where all nationals can live freely forgetting their hatreds towads each other communities or superiority feeling.Now let's pledge to feel the relations,trust your partners,give them the warmth of relations,reveal the secrecy and have intimacy in the relationships to feel the heavenly pleasures in life, rather than the friendly discourse in life.



Amit Kumar,

Your Motivator


Saturday 4 August 2012

Mental Aromatic capital:Way to march one step ahead

Like Social capital of society mental aromatic capital plays a very important role as far as an invidual is concerned.Mental magnificence together with cognizance constitute mental aromatic capital.
It tells and you in the following things:-

1.Societal cause and individual cause:-Always have societal cause in your mind which is greater than your individual cause.By putting the societal cause ahead of individual cause you achieve the bigger goals.You feel satisfied and happy with your ideas and your efficiency increases.A happy people is more energetic and enthusiastic than anybody else.

2.Think Big and Dream big:-A person should dare to dream big.This is possible only when you have some big aspirations.You are out of the crowd mentality and your mental level touches the zenith of the sky.

3.Try to work on your strengths and improve your weaknesses:-Always build your strengths and focus on your weaknesses.Always show your strength in your weaknesses and you feel motivated.

4.Surround Yourself people who motivate you:-Always surround yourself with the people who motivate you that brings positive enegy in yourself.Listen to the motivators.You might have seen people demotivating and you see their faces and your work gets hampered because of negative vibes in them.

5.Role Model in your mind:-Always have some role model in your mind so that you always compare with the ideal and you tend to improve on day to day basis.

6.Sparkle your innerself:-Meditate the mind and believe in yourself to sparkle the inner self.

7.Forget the things of the past and the things you don't have control:-Always live in the present and believe in the this worldly affairs.

8.Alaways compare with yourself ,evaluate yourself and talk to yourself:-Rather than comparing with others ,compare with yourself  and evaluate yourself on different parameters daily.Talk to youselves daily what you want to become.

9.Work Hard and Experience Harder:-Work ward and with experience learn from mistakes.Nothing can substitute hard work and experience.

10.Always have the enquiring mind and quizling mind:Once Rudyard kipling had replied after winning noble prize in literature that his 6 honest servants viz what,which ,how,when,where,why in writing skills made him to win nobel prize.So have that enquiring mind to keep ahead of both race and time.

11.March one step ahead:March one step ahead from others with the help of confident,winning and never dying spirit.This makes you different from loosers as they sit and hold themselves in case of failures.

The 11 steps formula of building you both mental aromatic capital as an individual and building on social capital as a part of society and you feel motivated and rejuvenated in your life.

Amit Kumar,
Your Motivator

Thursday 2 August 2012

Dreams:subconscious reality or soulless body emmotions???

Hi Everybody,

 All people grow by seeing dreams with an aimbition of converting their dreams into the reality.Great people nurture their dreams like the sunlight nurtures the earth and even in the backlash of failures they are able to convert their dampened dreams into the active water droplets  which again shines when the sunlight of their cognizance and hard works convert them into the reality.

There is silver lining of everything.For eating the dishes of dreams we have to loose something.We have to loose bad habits,short cuts,mental agonies,dilemmas etc and gain motivation,self confidence,attitude and aptitude to excel in every fields.We have to live in this worldly afairs and forget the past.As even mind suggests that present is the key to the past.We can unravel the mysteries of the past and can also will be the best adjudger of dreams which we see daily.Sikander has dreamt big to conquer the world and in this due process, he used to sleep only for 2-4 hours on the horse's back.The whole world recognises him as Alexander the Great as the Greatness lied in his dreaming.Hitler also dreamt big but it was somewhat more in negative direction when he mistakingly taken Russia easily and the war took longer time and he was defeated.Similarly Napolean dreamt big but he was also defeated by the Russian severe harsh winter.Nehru used to sleep only for approx 4 hours as he has dreamt of making india independent.Thus it is clear that Dreams take you to those hieghts where you can take big leaps,take risks and ultimately motivation in the form of nets appear when you fall from big heights.Dreams are the goden keys to success representing hopes and aspirations of people and a new vision to see through your own eyes.

Dreams are the subconscious reality.There are three kinds of minds conscious,subconscious,unconscious minds.Generaly we don't see dreams when we have the desires in unconscious minds.Only when we sleep the unconscious mind desires convert into the subconscious reality.When we see dreams like falling from the roof,ladder etc is acatually hinting that we are going to gain something.But on the contrary when we see winning lotteries, there might be some big losses.The explaination of the dreams is often a subjective phenomenon.Hindu Mythology which beleives in Karma,Dharma and punarjanama tells us that we see dreams when the soul leaves the body and migartes to somewhere else to give you the soulless emmotions and you try to meditate your minds and in this process unfulfilled desires are expressed in the form of dreams.These are the scientific cum mythological aspects of dreams and where science ends philosphy begins and we tend to accept some explainations of these dreams by reamaining in this frame of minds.

Dreams accomplishments is often associated with Five C's confidence,competence,Compassion which is more than sympathy,conviction,cognizance ,three D's i.e Determination,dedication and devotion,and four P's pataience,practice,presence of mind and preservence which ultimately reaps you three E's efficiency,effectiveness and economy of your aspirations and dreams.

Dare to Dream big,Take Gaint steps,take risks as automatically motivation in the form of nets will appear infront of you,emprace the fears and fight with them,leave the dogmas and have dogged determination towards accomplishing the desired goals then only motivation comes from you only and you are able to drive out your nightmares and convert your day dreaming abilities into accomplished desired dreams and finally fly high without any fears.

Amit Kumar,Your motivator

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Motivating poem on Random thoughts and emmotions

Every human beings having random thoughts and emmotions,
so lovely and beautiful,though sometimes nasty feelings going through minds.
Do i will be able to impress my boss or others?
Am i looking shabby?What the chicks today think about me?
ohho i have forgotten something,
This is not the stuff which i wanted to be.
Am i putting my emmotions ablaze?
Am i travelling safe?
will i be late and will i be returning home safe?

ohho what others are thinking about me,
you take a disenchantaed looks about yourself.
But in the meantime your emmotions have wars with innerself,
sometimes wavy,cyclony,tsunamic turns upbeats in your hearts,
you feel satisfied or dissatisfied with yoursef,
the juggelery of mixed emmotions go on.
you try to balance between the family and professional emmotions.
Impersonality becomes your charecteristics.
You either feel cheated or you try to cheat others to score personal and professional gains.
your emmotions knowingly or unknowingly hurts someone or please someone.
Do you feel motivated  in the night when you  sleep?
ohho you try to balance the postive and negative emmotions,
if more postives emmotions you remember in the night,you see your peaceful plight of mind.

Random emmotions do shape your charecteristics,
they shape and reflect your personality,
ohho they are  you only sometimes puffed up in the form of dreamy emmotions.
you give up the vent up of your emmotions when you are sad,
your charisma aggravates when you match the cuspic curve of your emmotions when you are happy.
Always reflect your best of random emmotions so that net positives of your random emmotions
motivate and guide you to be truthful to yourself to accomplish the bigger dreams.

Amit Kumar,
Your Motivator

Anxiety,Tensions,dialemmas,contradictions:a cup of tea or puff of cigarettes???

Hi Everybody,

  All the people in the world might have experienced anxieties,tensions in his/her life.The growing anxieties in our life often kill the energetic waves of our lives.Everybody whether it is Manmohan singh,Barack obama or Ban ki moon might have experienced when it comes to policy dialemmas in developed countries and policy paralysis in developing countries.A mother in the kitchen feels the heat when the food is not cooked properly and her dissatisfications lead to anxieties.A honey bee experiences pain when disturbed by other or not being able to get the plentiful of nectar.When there is power shortage your doors get jammed,you struck in traffic and  you are not able to make it for the important appointments,interviews,exams etc.We all feel tensed.When there is expectations  from someone and somebody fails in advesities there are anxities.

  The tensions often occur when the desired expectations does not meet the actual needs and there do exist a wide gap between the expectations and the needs.In developing countries like India the capabilities do not meet the actual career profession.A boy/girl is often told to become doctor,engineer,lawyer,I.A.S. etc a traditional profession though the boy's or girl's liking may be avaiation,fashion,media etc.This creates the capabilties gap of aspirations which creates the mental dogmas and a student is doomed to fail when he/she mars his/her aspirations and dreams.Dreams take a backseat often leads to tensions.

 Someone is blessed with skills but does not have resources.Some blessed with resources but do not have skills.Study shows that the four major religions Hinduism,islam,buddhism,confucianism blessed with resources but do not have killer instincts or skills to become capitalists.Judaism had skills but was lacking resources to become capitalists.Only calvinists of protestant religions had both resources and skills to become capitalists.You can also become capitalists by living simple life,have the re-investment habits and by following the ethics of life.
There are simple solutions to overcome anxieites and tensions in anybody's life.Firstly believe in yourself by self motivation and confidence.Secondly be with the time.Thirdly forget about the things which you can't control.Suppose you struck in traffic and with power shortage you are struck in the metro.You can't do much in such scenarios.Even the country can't do much in the case of global melt  down,global economic crisis,global rise in temperatures etc and the decisions often regulated by other factors and decisions of other countries.Collective conciousness play an important role than the individual consciosness in these situations.If you are in bus,metroetc be with the bus or metro if it is getting late.Feel happy rather than being sad and then only alternative arrangements click your minds immediately.Fourthly remove the aspirations and capilities gap from your inner self to fulfill your dreams.Fifthly leave the bad habits as anybody even your friends can take advantage of your situations and can make you tensed.Start everyday as afresh,take shower,bathe,morning walk daily.listen to light music daily in the morning.Isn't that you feel refreshing after morning bath and walk??

 Lastly but not the least live in this worldly affairs as the luck of all is predetermined and predestined and only intelligent hard work can make a difference rather than living in fool's paradise.Stretch your hands,raise your heads towards the limitless sky feel the sky to push gush of air in the form tensions from you,forget the fears from within you,meditate your minds,remember your diety,open your mouth to drink cup of tea and put aloof the smoky and puffy cigarettes in the form of tensions from within you then only you will be able to see performence report of yours in the mirror of yourself and can gauge what you can achieve and what you want to become tomorrow:Tension free,lovelable and sociable man ,dream achiever and a game changer person.

Amit Kumar,
Your Motivator

Success and failures in Life

Hi Everybody,

    One should not deter by the failures.Failures are those seeds of the plants in which success like fruits ripen.One should try to pick those fruits of success as quickly as possible.Success means diffrent to different people.To Osama Success would have meant destruction of white house or world trade centre in USA and to obama it would have meant the growth of  USA may be it protectionist measures and taking a stern stand on outsourcing business.To everyman success should be only the journey not the dstination.One success to another success should provide the last mile connectivity to the people.

Even great people in today's world have failed so many times.Thomas Alwa Edison failed many times while making the bulb but on one auspicious morning he has discovered the bulb.He has told that he has learnt so many ways not to make a bulb.Life mends its ways but we have to learn ways how to cope with the failures.Even Amitabh Bachan was rejected for All india Radio and now the whole world is listening to his voice.Even Chetan bhagat was rejected by many publishers and now whole world is reading his views.Abraham lincoln failed in elections and went on to become president of USA.Even Mahatama Gandhi failed in his non-copeartion movement but he went on to become the father of our nation.

 There is no age when one could think of sarting afresh in his/her life.Colonel sanders at the age of 64 when he had only 100$ in his pocket and remebered his mother's recipe and started KFC.The result is infront of you as it had branches in all over the country.You might have seen an old man picture in all KFC outlets.Rabindra nath tagore started schooling at the age of 18.Boman Irani started acting in bollywood at the age of 44.Federer won the wimbledon title at the age of 32.The time will come when you feel low,some loved one's will pass away,at the time of break ups,divorces or at times of any adversities in your life.Now here is the opportunity whether you cry or take the ball of opportunity to do the last mile connectivity.Success is not counted how many times you succeed but how many time the failures do not deter you and you come back strongly in your life.

You have to trust on something either your destiny,karma or guts to do anything.Every individual has innate desires to sparkle his own ways.It just needs that kindling temperature to sparkle the inner self.The inner self which you can only recognize and belive me when you have inner self cognizance going,no body can stop you to reach the pinnacle of success and glory.

Come on and sparkle your inner self to know what all you can do and give India that impetus to reap the demographic dividend and to give India that united strength to tackle all viscious circle of problems.

Jai Hind,Jai Bhaarat