Monday 14 October 2013

Reform your body,mind and soul

you must be able to reform your body,mind and soul.They should be in tandem with each other.You should know the fatigueness of your body and the limit of its muzt revitalise your mind to support for the cannot be able to work for long hours unless you are self motivated.Remember Alexander the great was self motivated to conquer the world and karl lewis was self motivated to win consecutive gold medals by onworking for long hours.You can also do it if your body,mind and soul are in tandem and channelised in one direction.Take a deep breath and ask yourselves what you want to be and practise meditation to achieve the tandemness of body,mind and soul. i know that practising control on your body is difficult as the moment you cheat anybody there is feeling of regression in your mind and you are no t able to corelate with your body,mind and soul.The moment you tell a lie you loose c trol on your body and you have to win confidence of your body.How will you pacify your mind at nights?if you are habituate enough to malign your mind then its quite easy to fool your mind but generally human nature is not that and hence do not cheat

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