Wednesday 16 October 2013

How to resolve ambivalent dilemmas in your minds:Talk to yourself and persons as close as Mother to resolve ambivalent thoughts in your minds

Often we have ambivalent thoughts in our minds and we often take drastic steps in our life without sufficiently talking to ourselves or persons as close as our mother.Have we ever thought what will happen to the society and family after you end up your life?Have you ever thought the faces of your helpless parents and your close friends and even close pets also?Remember,God has given us a very precious life and if we utilise it fully with utmost potential we can be super human imbibing good spirits around us and making a good society around us.Principle of universal brotherhood will not be distant dream and an Asian can better feel breathes and emotionsof Americans and africans.
                         Let's take a pledge that we will utilise our life to the fullest.There is no end of processes in your life untill you stop taking the initiative to make your life from the beginning.In the morning when you wake up,take up bathe,see yorself in the mirror,feel proud of yourselves,think that you can do wonders in your life.Take the challenge to begin yor life.Remember in your life there is always possibility of damage control.If our politicians can do it,why not you can do that?You have the potential of being more enthusiastic and energetic.
                      Feel proud of yourself that even no body will be there on earth you will be taking care yourselves and other living beings,feel proud that you are so precious and your image will not be tarnished by some unusual and nasty things in your life.
                      Come on pull up your socks,you have the responsibility to make yourselves and the society around us,Remove your fears and depressions and jump into these depression with right amount of courage and perceiverance,cultivate that zeal in your mind that you can be always an agent of change in your life and will be promoter of change in the society.Lastly but not the least feel proud of your body and the soul given by the Almighty which is so precious and creative to embolden any thoughts and capable of doing any type of damage control in life to make lives better in the society.


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