Saturday 8 March 2014

Save Every Life inorder to put your incarnations of your emotions at the zenith of enjoyment.

I think life saving and palnting a new life is an opportunity given by the GOD to come nearer to him.When you care for life of somebody whether plants or animals you come nearer to HIM.Now a days there has been latest fad to just ignore the life savings tendency and imbibe theose tendencies deep inside our hearts.Just forget about the plants and animals,we do not even care for human beings.GOD is challenging us and sending a message to the society,can human beings shed the greedy attitudes and care enough to save every life?Life ia matter of perspective and life's perspective is a self-fulfilling prophecy.When you save any life various cost benifit analyses go into your minds.You often ask yourselves,what is the incentive i am getting to save any life?Life saving is the cost benifit analysis of emotions.How can you see the vibrations and pains of any animals?When Abraham lincoln as president saw a pig struggling to come out of muddy waters,he stopped the bus and helped the pig to come out of mud waters,he told that i would not have slept if i would not have helped the pig in such a conditon.Imagine such is the incentive to save the life of anybody.It will not be hyperbole to say that when you save the life of anybody,you do not only come near to GOD but for the timebeing you become GOD instilling the new life into living beings.Just save lives to motivate yourselves and to put incarnations of your emotions at the zenith of enjoyment.I wish all of you happy life saving hours ahead.
Amit Kumar,
Your Motivator

Sunday 3 November 2013

Emotional outbursts need to be extinguised by universe of care

Often we have emotional outbursts either in the form of happiness or despair.Remember God has always given options to adjust according to situations.We have to remove our dilemmas by creating universe of care around us.Remember God always send some messenger around us,when someone dear is not there.We need to recognise them and create surroundings of care inorder to motivate ourselves and begin the life with new beginings.They can be person like me whose words can be soothing balm in lives of persons who is really working selflessly and tirelessly improving and motivating your lives.
Come on you can motivate yourself by recognising that person or at least pray to God to give strength to you so that you can recognise them and create surroundings of universal care.How to recognise them it is really a challenge?Look for those persons who always motivate you,just discard any negatives in the path.Really believe me you will be nearing your goal channelising all your postive energies in one direction.
 Here is the mantra do what you like most in the morning like if yow want to satisfy sexual gratification do that,if you want to meditate or devote time to GOD or you want to exercise or read or whatever things most please you do that,it will kick start your day with enthusiasm and happiness.If you are haappy you can better channelise your energies and achieve your goal.Please do not listen to the persons with negative energies as it negates your positive energies.Come on get up and have that fire of energy in you to have that lightening spark of positivity burning inside you to set abalze whole your life with goodness and positivity.

Amit Kumar,
Your motivator.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

How to resolve ambivalent dilemmas in your minds:Talk to yourself and persons as close as Mother to resolve ambivalent thoughts in your minds

Often we have ambivalent thoughts in our minds and we often take drastic steps in our life without sufficiently talking to ourselves or persons as close as our mother.Have we ever thought what will happen to the society and family after you end up your life?Have you ever thought the faces of your helpless parents and your close friends and even close pets also?Remember,God has given us a very precious life and if we utilise it fully with utmost potential we can be super human imbibing good spirits around us and making a good society around us.Principle of universal brotherhood will not be distant dream and an Asian can better feel breathes and emotionsof Americans and africans.
                         Let's take a pledge that we will utilise our life to the fullest.There is no end of processes in your life untill you stop taking the initiative to make your life from the beginning.In the morning when you wake up,take up bathe,see yorself in the mirror,feel proud of yourselves,think that you can do wonders in your life.Take the challenge to begin yor life.Remember in your life there is always possibility of damage control.If our politicians can do it,why not you can do that?You have the potential of being more enthusiastic and energetic.
                      Feel proud of yourself that even no body will be there on earth you will be taking care yourselves and other living beings,feel proud that you are so precious and your image will not be tarnished by some unusual and nasty things in your life.
                      Come on pull up your socks,you have the responsibility to make yourselves and the society around us,Remove your fears and depressions and jump into these depression with right amount of courage and perceiverance,cultivate that zeal in your mind that you can be always an agent of change in your life and will be promoter of change in the society.Lastly but not the least feel proud of your body and the soul given by the Almighty which is so precious and creative to embolden any thoughts and capable of doing any type of damage control in life to make lives better in the society.


Monday 14 October 2013

Reform your body,mind and soul

you must be able to reform your body,mind and soul.They should be in tandem with each other.You should know the fatigueness of your body and the limit of its muzt revitalise your mind to support for the cannot be able to work for long hours unless you are self motivated.Remember Alexander the great was self motivated to conquer the world and karl lewis was self motivated to win consecutive gold medals by onworking for long hours.You can also do it if your body,mind and soul are in tandem and channelised in one direction.Take a deep breath and ask yourselves what you want to be and practise meditation to achieve the tandemness of body,mind and soul. i know that practising control on your body is difficult as the moment you cheat anybody there is feeling of regression in your mind and you are no t able to corelate with your body,mind and soul.The moment you tell a lie you loose c trol on your body and you have to win confidence of your body.How will you pacify your mind at nights?if you are habituate enough to malign your mind then its quite easy to fool your mind but generally human nature is not that and hence do not cheat

Wednesday 18 September 2013

creativity is the essence of soul

Ask yourselvesthaet are you creative enough
?DEfinetely creativity instills in you that desire which makes you happy and all time motivated. don,t you want to become Einstein your ideas?you must try for feel happy when you do things by your own.imagine the happy moments willl be increased manyfolds when the creativity is yours.

Wednesday 28 August 2013


You must have some guide whether father,mother,teacher,GOD'S devotion or a motivator like me to guide you.It gives you the strength and vigour to your life.Suppose you believe in some GOD that gives you an immmense strength to guide you.Whether HE is there or not the very beleive that HE is threre to guide you even invisible.The History tells that person like EKLAVYA has practised his skills with stone statue of HIS GURU(Teacher) and he was immensely successful.Even pictures of MAHATAMA GANDHI,NELSON MANDELA,MARTIN LUTHER KING,POPE etc are sufficient enough to impart you the skills training and motivate you.

So what you are waiting make someone your teacher or be teacher of yourself to motivate you.

Your motivator,
 Amit Kumar

Tuesday 20 August 2013

You Must Win Your own hearts

You must be able to win your own hearts then you will be calm in yourself and will give you enough energy and strength to win other hearts.An enthusiatic heart is always happy heart and does not moan in distress situations.It connects to all the signals of your body.You will see yourself as meditating your minds.Your soul will reach to the zenith.It will be more spiritualistic than materialistic to win your hearts.Think of the good things from the past and chalk out plans to rectify your mistakes.You must start talking and motivate it so that it can be won easily.Even th heartless emotions are parts and parcel of your heart only.