Monday 24 December 2012


The day will come in every body's life that someone loved one's will pass away infront of your eyes.You feel low and there is low ebb in your ocean of emmotions.Tears will pour from every corners.You do not eat and sleep well.Flashback memories spent with the loved one's keep on haunting our minds. we are not able to digest it easily that how come the person which was so important to you is  not infront of you now?But everbody's death is reality.Once Yudhisthra was asked by Yaksha:What is the greatest wonder in this world?He replied politely that every body knows that they will die one day still they have the desire to live for thousands of years.But one thing is super reality that is karma.A person is known by his/her deeds and he/she remains immortal as long as his/her deeds still remembered and cherished.Mahatama gandhi,lincoln,churchill,alfred nobel etc are still alive as their deeds,ideas,theories etc are still applied and he will be remembered forever.Even the person who has just gone do not want you to be sad and want you to recover swiftly and want to use work sword diligently and prowessly in this karma bhumi(work field).The chances are there the person might not have completed his/her desires.It is up to you closest and lovable people to fulfill their dreams by your deeds and rock solid attitude.This was also corroborated by Lord Krishna Geeta Gyana when Arjuna was in dialemma.Once Sardar Patel got a telegram of death of his wife when he was pleading.He kept on pleading when asked he should join the funeral immediately.He beautifully replied with the message of karma that she has gone now and i will try every thing to save my client so that her soul will rest in peace.The soul speaks by your deeds otherwise its only combination of cells and tissues.The real blood circulation starts with your work.

There is a beautiful anecdote supporting karma theory.once the king was dying he asked his 4 queens up to what point you will accompany me after death.The first queen replied that i will leave at the instant when you will die.The second queen replied that i will leave once your body leave the palace.Third queen replied that i will leave when your dead body set on pyre.Fourth queen replied that i will reamain with you forever.Actually the first queen was body which leaves immediately after death.The second queen was denoting wealth of the king which just reamain limited and cloistered to palace.The third queen is soul which leaves once dead body buried,set on fire.The Fourth queen denotes karma which reamains forever.Actually karma(work) is a energy which just rejunevated in the from of soul which is again a type of energy.The whole universe is made of compact energy and it just takes one form or the other.We must be energetic all the times to tackle any challenge.All religions tell only one sacred thing that is karma.Through karma we can keep talking to any soul.suppose you are following non-violence as a principle in your life then you are talking to gandhi's soul.Even Lord hanumana was not knowing his talent that he can cross the ocean as he is the son of air.When told by somebody,he actually crossed the ocean.So recognising your talent while you are working is very much essential.
Death is not certain nor it is sequencial like when the older one's will pass away then the younger ones's will pass away like Ram Rajya.Had you been knowing when you will die,when some unusual happens etc.,it will keep haunting your minds.Isn't it?You would have died so many times before the actual death.So the GOD wants to keep elements of uncertainity with the death so that we can live happily without fear of death.These are the religious stuffs.But you keep on pouring your energy from every corners.
So let's pledge to do such deeds so that we can reinvigorate our minds,embolden our ideas to such a height that we should be blessed and would be priveleged to keep on talking to our beloved souls by our great ideas.